王雅蕙 / 指揮介紹

王雅蕙 / 指揮

王雅蕙 / 指揮


  • 職稱:/ 副教授
  • 聯絡電話:02-2732-1104 #53383
  • 電子郵件:feb29yahwang@gmail.com
  • 研究專長:指揮
  • 學歷

    王雅蕙國立臺北教育大學副教授任指揮。曾任新加坡國立大學副教授兼楊秀桃音樂學院樂團音樂總監、台灣長榮交響樂團音樂總監兼首席指揮、美國俄亥俄州Akron交響樂團音樂總監、底特律交響樂團副指揮和芝加哥交響樂團見習指揮, 跟隨大師Daniel BarenboimNeeme Jarvi門下。

     王雅蕙的指揮身影頻頻出現於世界各大樂團, 如美國巴爾地摩交響樂團、底特律交響樂團、佛羅里達州Naples愛樂、肯塔基州Lexington愛樂、賓州Erie愛樂, 亞洲的馬來西亞愛樂、新加坡交響樂團、台灣國家交響樂團, 北歐的芬蘭Tampere愛樂、丹麥國家廣播交響樂團、丹麥皇家交響樂團、丹麥AarhusOdense交響樂團等。1999,王雅蕙與丹麥國家歌劇院首次指揮「莎樂美」,深受好評。隨後於2000-2001年被邀請與丹麥皇家歌劇院及皇家芭蕾舞團 (Royal Danish Theater & Ballet) 合作演出「天鵝湖」共16 , 丹麥女王並曾親臨聆賞。 2002年與丹麥國家歌劇院合作, 巡迴演出歌劇「蝴蝶夫人」共22 場。 2007年與名女高音Renee Fleming在美國巴爾地摩、台北合作演出。 2010年與新加坡國家歌劇院演出歌劇「La Boheme」共5, 2015年指揮華僑慶祝新加坡建國五十週年(SG50)音樂會, 均獲得熱烈掌聲。

    在比賽方面, 她先後贏得1994年日本東京國際指揮大賽齊藤秀雄獎,1996年希臘雅典Mitropoulos指揮大賽優勝獎,1998年丹麥Malko國際指揮大賽第二名。她在新加坡國立大學所教的指揮學生黃佳俊(Wong Kah Chun)2016年德國 Gustav Mahler國際指揮大賽的殊榮,為第一位亞裔指揮贏得這項大奬

    王雅蕙出生於台北市, 五歲移居新加坡, 十八歲赴美求學, 因特殊的音樂天賦榮獲長榮集團張榮發基金會獎助學金, 攻讀美國琵琶底音樂學院主修鋼琴、指揮的學士、碩士畢業。接著因興趣及天賦再進入費城寇蒂斯音樂學院,跟隨大師Otto-Werner Mueller專修指揮。2012年她畢業於美國UCLA及新加坡國立大學合辦的EMBA由新加坡國立大學全額獎學金贊助



    Acclaimed as “spirited” and “dynamic,” yet full of “lyricism and poetry,” Wang Ya-Hui has brought her rare gift for communicating passionately with both the orchestra and the public to concert halls across America, Europe and Asia. Her focused, intelligent musicianship, along with the maturity and quiet confidence she displays, has earned her international respect in a field traditionally dominated by men. 

    After six years as Associate Professor and Music Director of the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music at the National University of Singapore, Wang Ya-Hui joined the National Taipei University of Education in Taiwan as Associate Professor and Director of Orchestral Studies. Former conducting appointments include Assistant Conductor of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Music Director of the Evergreen Symphony (Taiwan), Akron Symphony Orchestra, Principal Conductor of the Chicago Encore Chamber Orchestra and Associate Conductor of the Pacific Music Festival (Japan). Upon receiving her business degree in 2012 from University of California, Los Angeles and National University of Singapore (UCLA-NUS EMBA), Wang also served as Vice President to MediaCorp in Singapore, taking charge of initiating the Young Talents Project for young classical musicians in the region.

    Wang received international recognition by taking top prizes in three prestigious international conducting competitions: the 1998 Nicolai Malko Competition in Copenhagen, Denmark; the 1996 Dimitri Mitropoulos Competition in Athens, Greece; and the 1994 Tokyo Competition in Japan. Among her other impressive achievements was her appointment, in 1995, as Apprentice Conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra with then Music Director Daniel Barenboim. Barenboim personally selected Wang for this prestigious conductor-mentoring program, citing her “immensely impressive background and conducting talents” as the reason for his choice.

    Maestro Wang has appeared as guest conductor with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Baltimore Opera for Renée Fleming Gala, Naples Philharmonic (Florida), Erie (Pennsylvania) Philharmonic and Lexington (Kentucky) Philharmonic, Danish National Radio Symphony, Århus, Ålborg and Odense Symphony Orchestras in Denmark, Tampere Philharmonic in Finland, National, Evergreen and National State Symphony Orchestras in Taiwan, Hanoi Philharmonic in Vietnam, Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Singapore Lyric Opera and the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. Wang made her debut appearance at the Royal Danish Theater in Copenhagen under the patronage of Queen Margarathe II of Denmark and led the Royal Danish Orchestra and Ballet on a national tour of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake in January 2000. In August of 1999, she was invited to assist and conduct her first opera, Strauss' Salome, with the Danish National Opera. She returned in 2002 to conduct twenty-two performances of Puccini's Madame Butterfly all over Denmark, working with their major orchestras: Copenhagen Philharmonic, Århus, Ålborg, Odense and Sonderjyllands Symphonies. Wang has been privileged to collaborate with world renowned artists, including cellist Janos Starker, flutist Peter-Lukas Graf, guitarist Christopher Parkening, pianists Pascal Roge and Victor Borge, violinists Zakhar Bron, Jaime Laredo, Cho Liang Lin, Elmar Oliveira and Isabelle Van Keulen, and Grammy Award winner and opera superstar, soprano Renée Fleming on her concerts in the USA and Asia, at Fleming’s request. 

    Born in Taiwan, Wang Ya-Hui grew up in Singapore and went to the United States in 1986 to further her music education, which was fully funded by a scholarship from the Evergreen Group. She received undergraduate and graduate degrees in piano performance and conducting from the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia and the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, where her teachers included Otto-Werner Mueller and Frederik Prausnitz. Her UCLA-NUS EMBA degree was made possible by the National University of Singapore.


  • 授課領域:管弦樂團樂器教學、管弦樂作品研究、管弦樂合奏、指揮、配器法

王雅蕙國立臺北教育大學副教授。曾任新加坡國立大學副教授兼楊秀桃音樂學院樂團音樂總監、臺灣長榮交響樂團音樂總監兼首席指揮、底特律交響樂團副指揮和芝加哥交響樂團見習指揮, 跟隨大師巴倫波因(Daniel Barenboim) 及尼姆‧賈維 (Neeme Jarvi)門下。

王雅蕙的指揮身影屢見於世界各大樂團,如美國巴爾的摩、底特律交響樂團、馬來西亞愛樂、新加坡交響樂團、台灣國家交響樂團,芬蘭Tampere愛樂、丹麥國家廣播交響樂團、丹麥皇家交響樂團……等。1999年,王雅蕙與丹麥國家歌劇院首次合作《莎樂美》,深受好評。隨後受邀與丹麥皇家歌劇院及皇家芭蕾舞團合作演出《天鵝湖》。2002年與丹麥國家歌劇院合作,巡迴演出歌劇《蝴蝶夫人》。 2007年與女高音芮妮·弗萊明在美國巴爾的摩、臺北合作演出。2010年與新加坡國家歌劇院演出歌劇《波西米亞人》,2015年指揮慶祝新加坡建國五十週年(SG50)音樂會,均獲得熱烈掌聲。

其曾贏得1994年日本東京國際指揮大賽齊藤秀雄獎,1996年希臘米特羅普洛斯指揮大賽優勝獎,1998年丹麥Malko國際指揮大賽第二名。她在新加坡國立大學所教的指揮學生黃佳俊 (Wong Kah Chun) 2016年馬勒國際指揮大賽首獎,為第一位亞裔指揮贏得此份殊榮

王雅蕙出生於台北市, 五歲移居新加坡, 十八歲赴美求學, 因特殊的音樂天賦榮獲長榮集團張榮發基金會獎助學金, 攻讀美國琵琶底音樂學院主修鋼琴、指揮的學士、碩士畢業。接著因興趣及天賦再進入費城寇蒂斯音樂學院,跟隨大師Otto-Werner Mueller專修指揮。2012年她畢業於美國UCLA及新加坡國立大學合辦的EMBA由新加坡國立大學全額獎學金贊助


Previously Associate Professor/Music Director of the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music at the National University of Singapore, Wang Ya-Hui joined the National Taipei University of Education in Taiwan as Associate Professor and Director of Orchestral Studies. Former conducting appointments include Assistant Conductor of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Music Director of the Evergreen Symphony (Taiwan) and Akron Symphony Orchestra.

Wang received international recognition by taking top prizes in three prestigious international conducting competitions: the 1998 Nicolai Malko Competition in Copenhagen, Denmark; the 1996 Dimitri Mitropoulos Competition in Athens, Greece; and the 1994 Tokyo Competition in Japan. Among her other impressive achievements was her appointment, in 1995, as Apprentice Conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra with then Music Director Daniel Barenboim.

Maestro Wang has appeared as guest conductor with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Baltimore Opera for Renée Fleming Gala, Danish National Radio Symphony, Århus, Ålborg and Odense Symphony Orchestras in Denmark, Tampere Philharmonic in Finland, Evergreen and other national Symphony orchestras in Taiwan, Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Singapore Lyric Opera and the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. Wang made her debut appearance at the Royal Danish Theater in Copenhagen under the patronage of Queen Margarathe II of Denmark and led the Royal Danish Orchestra and Ballet on a national tour of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake in January 2000. In August of 1999, she was invited to assist and conduct her first opera, Strauss' Salome, with the Danish National Opera. She returned in 2002 to conduct twenty-two performances of Puccini's Madame Butterfly all over Denmark, working with their major orchestras.

Born in Taiwan, Wang Ya-Hui grew up in Singapore and went to the United States in 1986 to further her music education, which was fully funded by a scholarship from the Evergreen Group. She received undergraduate and graduate degrees in piano performance and conducting from the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia and the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, where her teachers included Otto-Werner Mueller and Frederik Prausnitz. Her UCLA-NUS EMBA degree was made possible by the National University of Singapore.